Kaanger Valley Academy

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Ms. Rakhi Jain

At all levels, education aims at changing the world for the better. Going deep into the apparent effect, one clearly observes that it turns out to be an accumulative factor instead of being a liberative one.  We, at KVA, have been working incessantly to create an environment where children learn to act towards each other and towards their environment responsibly with understanding and compassion. In our endeavor to make the whole process inclusive at school, we operate from an indigenous experiential learning platform with the best of reflective- teaching practices. Designed primarily to keep active the spirit of curiosity, our lesson plans are meticulously executed in a manner that promotes independent thinking among students at all times.  Pouring the whole being into our committed attempt to change the way children learn, each member of the KVA fraternity brings in incremental joy into acts of teaching & learning on a daily basis. As a result, a collaborative network springs forth wherein all kinds of learners get opportunities to blossom in due course without compromising on individual excellence through academic rigour & vigour.  The trustworthy atmosphere of KVA not only helps its students deepen their understanding, broaden their horizons & heighten their perspectives but also brightens their insights to see and shape the world in new ways. 

Happy Learning…  

Principal’s Desk

Ms. Anjali Muley

“A school nurtures future not just of an individual but of the entire nation” and at KVA this realization lies at the core. We strive to create thinkers and preserve the innate, curiosity and ingenuity of every learner so that he/she ventures out to transform and not just to confirm. I believe in the magic of the teacher-student bond and have witnessed the miracles created by my colleagues by bestowing unconditional support and faith upon the students.

We, as a team, work every day with all our hearts to create a learning abode where students feel that they belong, they are valued, they are learning and they are growing every day. The zeal and excitement with which our kids enter the premises keep us going each day !!

Principal’s Desk


KVA has weathered 17 academic sessions and has delivered what it has envisioned and worked towards, incessantly. Collaborative learning in the most child centric way has been the game plan and proudly so, holistic education has been delivered which is evident in all the alumni as they stride into the global society, their achievements talking tall of their abilities.

We are creating integrated, independent- thinking individuals who in turn would emerge as worldly wise responsible citizens who would stand out as the torch bearers of change, around them. Our teaching learning process, embedded with concept learning plans, the mentoring and portfolio management policies for each individual student, customizes his or her learning at her or his own pace.

This indivudualised need- based curriculum handling makes all the difference required, for a pandemic shaken society of learners. The parent outreach approach through the PTMs, Orientations and periodic sharing of the learning outcomes of each child provides an insight into the child’s growth and development during the schooling term.

We look forward to attain the vision and stand firm on our mission to deliver focused customized education to each and every child.