Kaanger Valley Academy

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Learning Strategies

Best Day Boarding School in Chhattisgarh

Inclusive Ambience

We provide our students the ambience that inspires them to walk on the path of self discovery. Along with the core curriculum, various co-curricular activities are conducted throughout the year. While pottery and craft activities for Pre-primary develop their motor skills, wading in the pool helps them learn the basics of swimming, creating craft articles hone their artistic abilities and the literary presentations prepare them for effective expressions, verbal and written. Senior classes have many more opportunities to showcase their talents in different competitions- be it literary, visual or performing arts as well as sculpture, pottery, carpentry, robotics and sports.

In view of the NEP we create flexible ways of learning for our students by exposing them to different environments to make them work on what they truly love to do. NCERT curriculum with advanced ways of teaching enables them to succeed in their respective fields.


Interactive Enrichment Classes (IEC)

Interactive Enrichment Classes (IEC) is a forte of KVA and these classes are conducted by our teachers during school hours so that every student turns out to be a beneficiary of this learning program. Here the students are a step ahead of normal classroom happenings, engaged in a higher level of ‘thinking out of the box’ activities in which their existing skills are refined and their potential enriched. Eventually our students have been raising their bars to excel in academics across the grades. For goodness to blossom in students’ lives, we work together in a manner that students value the importance of life-long learning.


Concept Planning

KVA teachers do not get into Lesson wise planning for conducting their classes. First they identify the Concepts to be learned during the academic year, which are grouped in a systematic manner unit-wise, for classes to be transacted in due course. Then they design periodic plans to be implemented in a comprehensive manner. Teachers also see to it that the students are aware of the values that are imparted through classroom transactions while concepts are being taught and students incorporate those values in their lifestyle. This is an ever evolving process wherein teachers evaluate their own plans, individually as well as in groups. Looking at the applicability and degree of accomplishment of the plans, they improvise if necessary, wherever and whenever.


Students’ assessment at KVA allows teachers to monitor their acquisition of knowledge, progress with specific skills and ability to apply learning in a variety of situations. We focus on all aspects of student work, be it hands on activities, research based coursework, their home as well as class assignments through notebooks, speaking and writing skills or project based learning. Assessment is not for comparing the students with one another but it is to see that, what we have set as the ‘achievement goal’ for the year is accomplished by the students. Assessment is both- formal and informal, and varies widely depending on students’ age group, and in all grades assessment is frequent and formative. Communication with students and parents is an integral part of the KVA assessment system. 



A portfolio of each and every child of KVA is created by a team of teachers to ‘get to know’ the child to a greater extent. Parents as active partners in this process help us to know about the different facets of the child’s persona. The continuous progress and changes in the child’s growth are documented periodically and are handed over to the next grade teachers at the end of each academic term for future monitoring.


For Mentoring, our team of teachers remains constantly in touch with the students and parents to provide for a road map of success. Mentoring is not just about taking care of ‘learning’ of the student, but it also comprises the wellbeing of the student, be it at school or at the home front. Teaching and learning is more a matter of heart than of head, what we value the most here.



A full-fledged, certified Career Counselor is always accessible to guide the students of classes VIII and above.
Teachers and parents work together extensively so as to find out what students can pursue as a career, which
subjects they can choose, as well as which University would be the best to choose, in order to fulfill their dreams.